Delaware PrEP Summit

The Delaware PrEP Education Initiative sponsored a statewide summit on Thursday, May 26, 2016, at The Gateway Conference Center, Christiana Care – Wilmington Hospital. The Delaware HIV Consortium and its partners the Delaware Public Health Association, the Delaware Academy of Medicine, and the Medical Society of Delaware are grateful for the participation of all presenters at the Summit, and for the attendance of more than 200 people.

Recordings of the presentations at the Summit will be made available soon.  Please check back in June.

Delaware PrEP Advisory Committee Meeting

The next meeting of the PrEP Advisory Committee will be held on Wednesday, June 27, from 12 Noon – 2 pm in Conference Room 6, Community Service Building, 100 W. 10th Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. We provide parking validation for the Community Service Parking Garage, 11th & Orange Streets, Wilmington. Please bring your parking ticket with you to be stamped.

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